- Vicki's Botanicals
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- Englemann Spruce
Englemann Spruce
Size: 5 ml. Violet glass bottle
Botanical Name: Picea englemannii
Source: Utah, USA
Method: Steam distilled from needles and branches, co-created with the spirits of the land
NOTE: Shipping fee's will be invoiced separately
Notes: Engelmann spruce carries similar healing properties to those of Black Spruce. It has a strong affinity for the adrenal glands, and can help them recover when depletion has set in.
Homeopathic Properties
• Analgesic • Anti-catarrh • Anti-fungal • Anti-inflammatory • Anti-tussive • Balsamic • Bronchodilator • Expectorant • Mucolytic • Parasiticide • Stimulant: circulatory • Tonic: respiratory, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, nervous sytem • Vermifuge • Vulnerary
Internal–oral in homeopathic doses only, inhalation, suppository
External--topical, skin application, massage, bath, wounds, energy centers and meridian points
Aromatic Profile
Top note: Rich, green, balsamic, resinous notes
Heart note: Green, coniferous, balsamic, sweet, delicate fruity notes
Base note: Coniferous, resinous, balsamic notes
Tenacity: Medium
In natural perfumery, Engelmann spruce essential oil is used to make forest notes, holiday blends, colognes, incense notes, and sacred perfumes and incenses.
Observations and Anecdotal Information
Englemann Spruce is an effective parasite cleanser, and herbal remedy for candida (intestinal fungal infections). The spruces are also great respiratory tonics, and can relieve coughs, congestion, and inflammation in the respiratory tract. Inhaling this essential oil is an uplifting experience, and brings a feeling of support on all levels.
The tall, straight growth habit of Engelmann spruce is an indicator of the spine strengthening effects of this oil. It makes a wonderful spinal compress. It carries phytochemicals that have a steroid like effect, effectively relieving pain and swelling, and helping to regenerate injuries.
This particular oil is made in a co-creative process from start to finish. The spirit energy of this oil is strong and true, and it brings along the wisdom of its species and its local community. Great strength of spirit can be received from this spruce, by asking for its assistance. I would recommend it for those who are recovering from alcohol or substance addiction, a recent loss of a loved one, or any deep emotional trauma.
- Generally recognized as safe at normal dosage.
- Keep all essential oils away from eyes.
- Store in a safe place, out of the reach of children.
- All internal uses should be researched and/or supported by a health care professional. Product quality and dosage are critically important when using essential oils internally.
**Shipping fee's will be invoiced separately**
The information on this website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, please consult your physician and do your research before using these products. All information is provided for educational purposes and should not be viewed as health claims.