About Vicki Lynn
Vicki Lynn
ENERGY SESSIONS, specializing in clearing non-beneficial energies & entities:
Energy Clearing/Healing & Chakra/Auric Field Balancing utilizing crystals, breathe work, movement, and sound/vibrational healing techniques • Astral Energy Sessions • EFT® (Emotional Freedom Technique) • Access Consciousness Bars® • Energetic Body Processes • Tensor Technology • Home & Business Clearing/Cleansing and Crystal Gridding READINGS & CONSULTATIONS: Intuitive Guidance & Development • Spirit Guide/Master Teacher Communications • Angel Messages • Animal Totems • Aura Cleansing • Relationships • Career • Personal Growth • Empowerment • Health/Wellness • Ancestral Connections & Clearings • Connect with Loved One(s) / Pets • Dream Interpretation • Monthly/Bi-Monthly/Weekly Coaching Sessions INTUITIVE GUIDANCE & DEVELOPMENT: Workshops, Classes & Retreats include: Guided Meditations • Sound/Vibrational Healing • The Magic of Co-Creation • Plant & Animal Spirit Communications • DreamWeavers Intuitive Development • Creating Positive Energy for the Body • Creating Positive Energy for the Home/Office/Land • Intro to Essential Oils • Level I thru Level IV, Co-Creating with Essential Oils • Ceremonial Sacred Drum Making • The Galactic Calendar • Intro to Dowsing & Kinesiology • Intro to the Amazing World of Crystals • Angel Card Readings • Clearing, Purifying, and Crystal Gridding Your Home or Office • and More! |
Vicki Lynn provides energy healing, intuitive coaching, receiving messages from spirit guides and loved ones, and is a facilitator of a variety classes including essential oils, crystals, and spiritual development. With 24 years of insightful teachings, and inspirational/intuitive coaching, she is honored to assist you in bringing more meaning and empowerment to your life while encouraging you to embrace and expand your own natural intuitive gifts.
Vicki has helped hundreds of clients learn how to:
To schedule a Reading/Consultation, Energy Session, Access Bars® session, or to receive an Access Body Process with Vicki Lynn, please message or email your name, phone number, and requested day/time:
[email protected]
For more information on Classes, Workshops, and Retreats, follow this link: CLASSES
Are you seeking more support? Vicki Lynn also offers monthly, bi-monthly, and weekly Coaching & Consultation Services. Follow this link for more info: MONTHLY COACHING
Vicki has helped hundreds of clients learn how to:
- step outside the story/drama/conflict and see the truth of why it’s happening
- redirect negative/unfavorable influences and possibilities into positive outcomes
- embrace your inner knowing and divine intuitive gifts
- create a relationship with your inner angel, higher power, spirit guides, angels, animal guides, Master Teachers, and more!
- clear unwanted energies and entities from yourself as well as your home, office, business, or land
- re-connect and create a relationship with the Earth Mother
- become self aware, and recognize, the many paths that are actually available to us
- learn to live a life with meaning, gratitude and joy
To schedule a Reading/Consultation, Energy Session, Access Bars® session, or to receive an Access Body Process with Vicki Lynn, please message or email your name, phone number, and requested day/time:
[email protected]
For more information on Classes, Workshops, and Retreats, follow this link: CLASSES
Are you seeking more support? Vicki Lynn also offers monthly, bi-monthly, and weekly Coaching & Consultation Services. Follow this link for more info: MONTHLY COACHING
Each and every one of us are experiencing our own personal journey while incarnated on this earth. This is our walk of life.Our participation, or lack of participation, on this planet is enriched with contrast. While we may experience moments of happiness and joy, we may find that the unfavorable moments are what is at the forefront of our journey. As is with most young adults, when I was a younger I maintained a happy-go-lucky outside appearance, while on the inside I felt completely disconnected from life and the earth. I had embraced an innate fear of living that had swallowed up my soul.
By my late teen's, I was freely sharing my motto to anyone who would listen: “if there is a hell, we are living on it.” I was certain that I had come from the stars, and while I was not suicidal, deep down I couldn’t wait to get back to wherever it was I had come from. For me life was heavy, judgmental, cruel, and uninspiring. And then I woke up.
It began with an inner desire, an inner knowing, that there had to be more to my life then what I was experiencing; and I decided that I would put forth every ounce of effort to create a different possibility. An opportunity to move to Alaska was offered to me when I was 21, and I felt at that time it was the catalyst to help me create the change I was seeking. My journey of self discovery was eventually initiated by attending weekly meditation classes that evolved into exploring deeply into spiritual development, while learning how to listen to my own inner guidance. I read every book my soul guided me to read, and watched every transformative program my heart yearned to watch. My life was beginning to have new meaning.
In 1999 my life spiraled into despair when I learned my mother was diagnosed with cancer and she had little time left to live. My Mom was my anchor, and I did not want to accept that her leaving would end our means of communication. At that time, I was an avid follower of the show, "Crossing Over with John Edwards." If you have not heard of him, he is a highly evolved Medium who has the ability to connect people with their loved one's from the other side of the veil. Whenever I would watch him, I would feel a deep desire from within to learn how to be able to do this. You see, I am not one of those who was "born with the gift". Or was I? Apparently, all I had to do was have the desire, choose it, and then activate the ability.
While practicing and activating my spiritual centers, I dove deep into absorbing and learning as much as I could so that I would be able to receive from all dimensions. I was an exemplary student, and it did not take long before I would know when a distant relative had crossed the veils before the phone call was even made. And yes, I was even able to communicate with my Mom... and then with my Dad after he crossed 10 years later.
Over the years I was blessed and honored with many great teachers while residing in Alaska, including weekly mediumship classes I attended for two years with a well-known psychic from Great Britain. When I had evolved from those classes, a dear friend had divinely introduced me to a beautiful and inspirational Lakota Medicine Woman/Shaman, along with her husband, whom I studied with for seven years. I found that the Native American traditions spoke deeply to my soul. Here is where I found my connections to the earth mother through the plants, animals, crystals, herbs, essences, and essential oils as well as creating an even stronger connection to the Star Beings, Angels, Master Teachers, and all of my ancestors.
After they relocated to another state, I felt a continued desire to learn more. Immediately after praying for my next teacher, I was synchronistically guided to receive three more years of esoteric teachings while creating an even deeper connection with the Master Teachers, as well as learn how to help bodies heal through energy healing from the respected Rev. O’Boyle. She had migrated to the U.S. from Africa and had been teaching metaphysical and esoteric studies for well over 50 years. She is the original teacher of those who have dubbed energy healing as “Reiki”.
Of course there are many other inspiring teachers who briefly touched my life that I am as equally grateful for! Each class, each moment of learning has brought me to where I am today - creating my own reality, and embracing life as the sacred experience it was always meant to be. I love the earth mother, and am so happy to be alive, living, dreaming, and co-creating my life...my version of heaven on earth.
My passion is to help those who resonate with my offerings, to assist with showing you how to raise, evolve and enhance your own personal vibrational frequency; and, to awaken your spirit to the more that is within you while encouraging and supporting your personal healing, course corrections, joyous inspirations, and vision(s).
WE are the Creators of Heaven on Earth, What would You like to Create?
Offering My Deepest Gratitude, Love, and Blessings,
Vicki Lynn
By my late teen's, I was freely sharing my motto to anyone who would listen: “if there is a hell, we are living on it.” I was certain that I had come from the stars, and while I was not suicidal, deep down I couldn’t wait to get back to wherever it was I had come from. For me life was heavy, judgmental, cruel, and uninspiring. And then I woke up.
It began with an inner desire, an inner knowing, that there had to be more to my life then what I was experiencing; and I decided that I would put forth every ounce of effort to create a different possibility. An opportunity to move to Alaska was offered to me when I was 21, and I felt at that time it was the catalyst to help me create the change I was seeking. My journey of self discovery was eventually initiated by attending weekly meditation classes that evolved into exploring deeply into spiritual development, while learning how to listen to my own inner guidance. I read every book my soul guided me to read, and watched every transformative program my heart yearned to watch. My life was beginning to have new meaning.
In 1999 my life spiraled into despair when I learned my mother was diagnosed with cancer and she had little time left to live. My Mom was my anchor, and I did not want to accept that her leaving would end our means of communication. At that time, I was an avid follower of the show, "Crossing Over with John Edwards." If you have not heard of him, he is a highly evolved Medium who has the ability to connect people with their loved one's from the other side of the veil. Whenever I would watch him, I would feel a deep desire from within to learn how to be able to do this. You see, I am not one of those who was "born with the gift". Or was I? Apparently, all I had to do was have the desire, choose it, and then activate the ability.
While practicing and activating my spiritual centers, I dove deep into absorbing and learning as much as I could so that I would be able to receive from all dimensions. I was an exemplary student, and it did not take long before I would know when a distant relative had crossed the veils before the phone call was even made. And yes, I was even able to communicate with my Mom... and then with my Dad after he crossed 10 years later.
Over the years I was blessed and honored with many great teachers while residing in Alaska, including weekly mediumship classes I attended for two years with a well-known psychic from Great Britain. When I had evolved from those classes, a dear friend had divinely introduced me to a beautiful and inspirational Lakota Medicine Woman/Shaman, along with her husband, whom I studied with for seven years. I found that the Native American traditions spoke deeply to my soul. Here is where I found my connections to the earth mother through the plants, animals, crystals, herbs, essences, and essential oils as well as creating an even stronger connection to the Star Beings, Angels, Master Teachers, and all of my ancestors.
After they relocated to another state, I felt a continued desire to learn more. Immediately after praying for my next teacher, I was synchronistically guided to receive three more years of esoteric teachings while creating an even deeper connection with the Master Teachers, as well as learn how to help bodies heal through energy healing from the respected Rev. O’Boyle. She had migrated to the U.S. from Africa and had been teaching metaphysical and esoteric studies for well over 50 years. She is the original teacher of those who have dubbed energy healing as “Reiki”.
Of course there are many other inspiring teachers who briefly touched my life that I am as equally grateful for! Each class, each moment of learning has brought me to where I am today - creating my own reality, and embracing life as the sacred experience it was always meant to be. I love the earth mother, and am so happy to be alive, living, dreaming, and co-creating my life...my version of heaven on earth.
My passion is to help those who resonate with my offerings, to assist with showing you how to raise, evolve and enhance your own personal vibrational frequency; and, to awaken your spirit to the more that is within you while encouraging and supporting your personal healing, course corrections, joyous inspirations, and vision(s).
WE are the Creators of Heaven on Earth, What would You like to Create?
Offering My Deepest Gratitude, Love, and Blessings,
Vicki Lynn
• Awaken Spirit • Inspire Vision •

Readings & Consultations
with Vicki Lynn
Available via FaceTime, Skype or normal phone call
To schedule an appointment with Vicki, please follow this link, then prepay by selecting either half hour or one hour Energy Session. Add to cart and complete check out process. Please be sure to include your phone number and best day/time to reach you in the notes section: APPOINTMENT
PHONE, SKYPE OR FACETIME APPOINTMENTS - Please Note: Once appointment is scheduled, Vicki will call you at agreed upon date/time. Please be sure to allow yourself a private, quiet place to receive your messages with absolutely no interruptions. There are no refunds for missing your scheduled appointment. Changes or cancellations can easily be made up to 24 hours of your scheduled appointment. If you have an emergency within 24 hours of your appointment time, please contact Vicki.
*for SKYPE Readings, be sure to set up a Free SKYPE account beforehand and text or message me with your user name.
Creating a sacred space, Vicki Lynn tunes in utilizing all her intuitive gifts to receive divinely guided messages from your spirit guides, loved ones, pets, angels, archangels, master teachers, animal/plant/mother earth spirits, star beings and those of the elemental kingdom. Receive guidance with relationships, work/employment, health, family, future, etc.
Vicki finds immense joy in assisting others and offering guidance to individuals who are consciously working on their personal path of ascension. She feels each and every one of us are born with Intuitive Gifts, and she is happy to provide you with the tools necessary to feel confident & safe as you lovingly awaken to your own unique intuitive gifts.
Intuitive Guidance & Development • Spirit Guide/Master Teacher Communications • Angel Messages • Animal Totems/Spirit Animals • Aura Cleansing • Entity Removal • Relationship • Career • Personal Growth • Empowerment • Health/Wellness • Connect with Loved One(s) / Pets • Dream Interpretation
**Would you like to create faster change through monthly Intuitive Coaching sessions?
Discounts available for prepaid coaching sessions. Follow the link below for more information:

Energy Sessions
with Vicki Lynn
Available In-Person or Astral Energy Session
To schedule an appointment with Vicki, please follow this link, then prepay by selecting either half hour or one hour Energy Session. Add to cart and complete check out process. Please be sure to include your phone number and best day/time to reach you in the notes section: APPOINTMENT
PHONE, SKYPE OR FACETIME APPOINTMENTS - Please Note: Once appointment is scheduled, Vicki will call you at agreed upon date/time. Please be sure to allow yourself a private, quiet place to receive your messages with absolutely no interruptions. There are no refunds for missing your scheduled appointment. Changes or cancellations can easily be made up to 24 hours of your scheduled appointment. If you have an emergency within 24 hours of your appointment time, please contact Vicki.
*for SKYPE Readings, be sure to set up a Free SKYPE account beforehand and text or message me with your user name.
ENERGY SESSIONS: Creating a sacred space, Vicki Lynn connects to your personal energetic vibrational field, and follows your energy patterns to bring balance to your chakras's and nervous system, improving energy flow, and providing an enhanced awareness of self. By connecting with your universal life force, Vicki utilizes an assortment of crystals, the Solfeggio Tuning Forks (which are known to assist with repairing DNA), Tensor rings and loops, a large Quartz Crystal Vibrational Tuning Fork, and her Sacred Drum & Spirit Rattle, while assisting you in releasing patterns that are blocking your flow, and holding you back from your personal freedom.
BARS SESSIONS: As an Access Consciousness Practitioner, Vicki Lynn also offers sessions where she will run your Bars® and/or provide an energetic Body Process to assist your body with course correcting whatever is blocking its vibrational energetic field. This technique helps to release old programs locked into the cellular structure while opening your centers to an enhanced state of awareness. To learn more about Access Consciousness Bars®, please follow this link: ACCESS
ASTRAL ENERGY SESSIONS: An Astral Energy Session are for those who are unable to come to a physical energy session appointment and would like to receive an energy healing from the comforts of their own home. Distance between Vicki and you are of no consequence, as she is able to assist wherever you are located. Once appointment time is established, you will want to find a quiet place to lie down where there will be absolutely no interruptions. Vicki will text you to ensure you are ready, once you reply back Vicki will create a sacred space, then begin working on your energy field.
The length of the energy session portion is unique to each individual, and depends on what your body is asking for and/or requiring. Typically, a 30 minute Astral Energy session will last 20 minutes with a 10 minute follow up call to share information about your session along with any messages. And a 60 minute Astral Energy session will last between 30-45 minutes, with the remaining time followed up with a phone call to share information about your session along with any messages.
Please note that Vicki listens to your body as well as your healing guides, and receives guidance as to when the energy session portion is complete. If you require more time to talk after the energy session portion, you may add time (when available), or schedule another time for a Reading/Consultation. Please feel free to contact Vicki Lynn for any questions regarding the Astral Energy Session.
with Vicki Lynn
Available In-Person or Astral Energy Session
To schedule an appointment with Vicki, please follow this link, then prepay by selecting either half hour or one hour Energy Session. Add to cart and complete check out process. Please be sure to include your phone number and best day/time to reach you in the notes section: APPOINTMENT
PHONE, SKYPE OR FACETIME APPOINTMENTS - Please Note: Once appointment is scheduled, Vicki will call you at agreed upon date/time. Please be sure to allow yourself a private, quiet place to receive your messages with absolutely no interruptions. There are no refunds for missing your scheduled appointment. Changes or cancellations can easily be made up to 24 hours of your scheduled appointment. If you have an emergency within 24 hours of your appointment time, please contact Vicki.
*for SKYPE Readings, be sure to set up a Free SKYPE account beforehand and text or message me with your user name.
ENERGY SESSIONS: Creating a sacred space, Vicki Lynn connects to your personal energetic vibrational field, and follows your energy patterns to bring balance to your chakras's and nervous system, improving energy flow, and providing an enhanced awareness of self. By connecting with your universal life force, Vicki utilizes an assortment of crystals, the Solfeggio Tuning Forks (which are known to assist with repairing DNA), Tensor rings and loops, a large Quartz Crystal Vibrational Tuning Fork, and her Sacred Drum & Spirit Rattle, while assisting you in releasing patterns that are blocking your flow, and holding you back from your personal freedom.
BARS SESSIONS: As an Access Consciousness Practitioner, Vicki Lynn also offers sessions where she will run your Bars® and/or provide an energetic Body Process to assist your body with course correcting whatever is blocking its vibrational energetic field. This technique helps to release old programs locked into the cellular structure while opening your centers to an enhanced state of awareness. To learn more about Access Consciousness Bars®, please follow this link: ACCESS
ASTRAL ENERGY SESSIONS: An Astral Energy Session are for those who are unable to come to a physical energy session appointment and would like to receive an energy healing from the comforts of their own home. Distance between Vicki and you are of no consequence, as she is able to assist wherever you are located. Once appointment time is established, you will want to find a quiet place to lie down where there will be absolutely no interruptions. Vicki will text you to ensure you are ready, once you reply back Vicki will create a sacred space, then begin working on your energy field.
The length of the energy session portion is unique to each individual, and depends on what your body is asking for and/or requiring. Typically, a 30 minute Astral Energy session will last 20 minutes with a 10 minute follow up call to share information about your session along with any messages. And a 60 minute Astral Energy session will last between 30-45 minutes, with the remaining time followed up with a phone call to share information about your session along with any messages.
Please note that Vicki listens to your body as well as your healing guides, and receives guidance as to when the energy session portion is complete. If you require more time to talk after the energy session portion, you may add time (when available), or schedule another time for a Reading/Consultation. Please feel free to contact Vicki Lynn for any questions regarding the Astral Energy Session.