![]() Many of you have heard me use the term, “I am following the energy”. What does is it mean to follow the energy? The energy I am referring to is the energy that comes from ‘within’ that is known as qi (pronounced chi) or prana. The prana is an energetic life/light source that travels up and down our spine, and expresses outwardly in all directions. We can easily connect to the prana from every direction of our being. Prana is a sanskrit word meaning life force, or vital energy, that permeates through all things both living and inaminate. Our life force (prana) is connected to the Universal Life Force through what I like to call the soul heart which is were the source of all knowing lies. The soul heart is uniquely different from the physical heart we use to pump blood and keep our body alive. The soul heart vibrates within and around us, and never dies. Whereas the physical heart will die once it completely stops beating. When we listen to and receive energetic feelings from one or more of our senses, we are tapping into another dimension of possibilities that we may be consciously, or unconsciously, aware of. By connecting to the prana through the soul heart, one is able to step out of the mind (ego/control), and into the life force (spirit/flow) to make choices that energetically creates more ease and joy within one’s life. Once you make the choice to connect to the soul heart for guidance, you may find yourself out of balance as you shift back and forth from head to (soul) heart. The more you trust the heart, the easier it is to stay in balance of choice. The transition from head to heart can happen quickly, or it can take years to develop. For most of us, it takes years to develop. Do not allow yourself to be in judgement as to how long it takes to transition from head to heart. It takes as long as it takes. As I always say, “any change is a good change!” What are the senses? As we learned in elementary school, there are the well known five senses: smelling, seeing, hearing, tasting, and feeling; plus, there is the sixth sense of “knowing” - which is not always taught in the traditional school system. While education and learning is quite beneficial to our personal growth, it is also beneficial to tap into the internal knowing (6th sense) and listen to, or feel, your qi energy to receive direction and guidance. The majority of people have at least some or all sense-itive capacity to their surroundings. We are born with it. There is also a small population of people who have completely turned off their emotional sense and choose to live without feeling. If you are reading this article, it is safe to say you do not fall in the latter category as your curiosity to read this is enough evidence that at some level of your being, you are seeking to strengthen your ability to tap deeper into your source of “all knowing”. While we are all sensitive beings to our surroundings, we may find one or more of our senses stronger then others. Yet the sense of knowing, or that “gut” feeling is inherent to us all. This feeling is actually coming from the solar plexus chakra, where the soul heart radiates. The solar plexus is located at the top portion of your intestinal system (right in the center and beneath the rib cage). The most successful way to receive messages through the 6th sense is to ask a question; then be in the space of allowance with no conclusion as to how you will receive your answer. We are trained since birth to have a question, then look at all the possible ways to conclude (ego) how it will happen or show up, then choose which way we want it to show up. Then when it doesn’t show up, we decide that we must have failed. Conclusion blocks flow. Question creates flow. Being in the question allows us to be in childlike wonderment - which is a highly creative energy. Plus it allows the Universe to respond in a way that will bring forth more ease and joy into your life. How to connect with your prana I have found the easiest way to connect with one’s prana is through breath. Find a quiet place to sit where there are no interruptions, feet planted firmly on the ground, and sitting in a comfortable upright position. Close your eyes, and imagine inhaling beautiful diamond-like (sparkly) energy, pulling it into the top of your head from a beautiful sun that sits somewhere high above the earth. Inhale this energy into the top of your head, and then exhale through your body and out your feet. Repeat 3x. Next you will imagine inhaling silver diamond-like energy, pulling from a silver ball that is the core of the earth. Inhale this energy from the bottom of your feet, and exhale through your body and out of the top of your head. Repeat 3x. The last step is to breath in the energy of the stars, with your mouth open, from every direction into your body. Pull the energy a million miles from the universe, and breath it into your body. When you exhale, you will expand your energy out from your body in every direction. Expand it as far out into the universe as you can imagine. Repeat at least 3x. Once you’ve completed the breathing, sit quietly while breathing normal and ask your soul self any question you are seeking guidance with. Listen to the answer through how your body is responding. Do you feel light? Or do you feel heavy? If you feel light, the answer is you are on the right path. If it feels heavy, you are forcing yourself in a direction that is not fun or a good fit for you. Of course you may ask different questions for more clarity. If you have other intuitive gifts, you will want to pay attention to them as well. It has been my experience that as we transition from head to heart, it can also be quite useful to seek guidance from another Intuitive Being as they can step outside your story and assist you with finding the truth. Until there has been plenty of practice, it is easy to think you are listening to the heart, when the head actually steps back in to interrupt. This is where I find an outside source is always helpful when retraining oneself from the mind to the spirit. Enjoy the Process While it is a well learned skill to judge ourselves when we do not move as quickly as we would like when transitioning from old patterns into new, remember that judgement comes from the mind. When you notice you are in judgement of yourself or of others, then you will know you are operating from the ego. Once you recognize yourself in judgement, it is easy to shift into the heart (love) space. Just the act of acknowledging and shifting out of the ego is an amazingly positive step towards freedom. As a society, we tend to berate ourselves when we catch ourselves being in judgement. Instead, acknowledge it, then laugh at yourself as you refocus your vibrational energy field back into the heart. Remember, laughter heals! __________ It is my intention that by sharing these articles, that it may activate or expand your divine inner knowing, as well as provide you with a few tools you may wish to use while exploring the truth of who you really are. We truly are the one's we've been waiting for... Love, Gratitude & Blessings, Vicki Lynn Would you like to receive more personalized insights on how you can shift situations in your life that feel tired and heavy? Would you like to become more empowered with your intuitive gifts? Medium/Channeler, Vicki Lynn, is available for FaceTime, SKYPE or Zoom Readings and Consultations, as well as Astral Energy Sessions. Please email your requested day/time and phone number to: [email protected] * Would you like to awaken or enhance, and expand your intuitive potencies? Are you ready to bring your dreams into reality? Join Vicki Lynn in her DreamWeavers Intuitive Development program, beginning with the Foundations class now offered online: SIGN ME UP **Do you like what you read and want more? Be sure to sign up to Vicki Lynn’s NEWSLETTER. You will find the sign up link at the bottom right corner of the Home Page. __________ Ask. Believe. Trust. Receive.
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Vicki LynnMedium/Consultant, Vicki Lynn, shares her personal experiences, insights, and channelings to offer love, guidance, and inspirational messages. Archives
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