![]() Did you know crystals are alive? They may not have a soul like you or I, yet they are filled with Spirit (God’s life force). Spirit is everywhere and in every thing! If you soften your gaze and look at a tree, you will see the outline of its auric field because Spirit is completely satiated within it. The same with a crystal, soften your gaze and what do you see? Crystals vibrate at an energetic frequency that utilizes the Divine consciousness to support us in all aspects of our life. When you use crystals in a space of gratitude and love, the power of their support is boundless! This is why gridding your home, office or land with crystals can be such an amazingly supportive tool to assist you as you are creating the life you truly want to live. GRID OF PROTECTION In my experience, I have found that the Grid of Protection is the most important grid to place before any others. I call this a “foundational gridding process” because if you do not feel safe within the foundation of your home or office, how are you able to experience the positive frequency of other grids you may choose to anchor. Please note, that the process of gridding isn’t a “one and done” process. Meaning, once you place the grid it does not necessarily mean it will last forever. Your energy and intention is what keeps it activated. Plus, as you evolve, or even become compromised in the outside world, you may need to redo your grid by re-activating it with fresh energy (cleanse, love, gratitude, intention). Just as we get tired when overworked, so do the crystals get tired. So if you find your grid is no longer working, you may find that giving it a boost by cleansing, charging and reactivating your crystals may be in perfect order! WHICH CRYSTALS ARE THE BEST TO USE? Through Divine Guidance and personal experience, I have found that the best crystals and minerals to use for the most powerful ‘Grid of Protection’ include the following:
STEP ONE: CLEANSE YOUR CRYSTAL(S) Before you begin, you will want to cleanse your crystal(s). There are many ways to cleanse a crystal, and the easiest way to do this is by smudging with sage, or spritzing with a clearing & purification spray. For more detailed information on the many ways you can cleanse your crystal(s), be sure to read my Blog: HOW TO CLEANSE & CHARGE CRYSTALS STEP TWO: CONNECT & PROGRAM Next you will want to create a relationship with your crystals, and the simplest way to do that is by introducing yourself. Once your crystals are cleansed, hold them in your hands up at the level of your heart chakra. With three deep breathes, inhale love into every cell of your body, and exhale the love into your crystals. Speaking out loud or communicating telepathically, greet your crystals by sharing your name and expressing in your own words how grateful you are for their help. Express to your crystals how you would like to receive their support with your grid. (Example: I would love and completely appreciate your support with anchoring my home with the utmost protection from all negative and non-beneficial energies.) STEP THREE: ANCHOR YOUR PROTECTION GRID COPPER SPHERES or CUBES Copper carries the highest frequency of love within the mineral kingdom. Non-beneficial energies prefer to stay as far away as possible from it, which is why it’s the best crystal to grid your home or office with. Place one copper sphere or cube in each of the farthest corners of your home or business. Another option is to bury the copper outside at the corners of your home. Then stand in the middle of your home, and using your index finger, point at one and energetically connect to it using your own crystalline (Christ-like) vibrational frequency. Imagine you are creating a wall (barrier) by connecting one copper to the other until all four are energetically connected in one continuous square. Don’t worry if your home is an odd shape – I have gridded and cleared numerous homes that have odd shapes and it works just as well. BLACK TOURMALINE Black Tourmaline protects from psychic attacks, and neutralizes EMFs. I tend to place these or the Selenite (based on my inner guidance) in the center walls of the home to fill in the space between the copper sphere’s. Black Tourmaline are also known as Devic stones and the plant kingdom love them! So if you prefer to place them in a plant to help with your program/intention, your plants will be happy you did! Please trust your guidance as to where they are to go in your home. Have faith that your intuition knows where protection is needed most. SELENITE CHUBS, WANDS & TWISTS Selenite is the “angel” stone. It creates that light, angelic energetic frequency from the divine realm into your home by raising the frequency in the area’s you place them in. I like to use the small Selenite chubs at the corners of my bed (can place under mattress to hold in place if needed). I also have a Selenite Wand placed under my bed directly in alignment with my heart chakra. You can also grid in the corners of your bedroom, office, or any room. Selenite Twists should be placed wherever energy is stagnant and requires extra movement. *Please note that selenite should never be cleansed in water as it is comprised of a porous material. ADDITIONAL GRIDS Once you have anchored your Grid for Protection, you can easily expand by adding additional crystal grids for abundance, love, romance, etc. There are numerous crystals available to use in these grids. If you’re not sure which to use, please know that your inner guidance/intuition will draw you to the crystals you need at this time. ADDITIONAL SUPPORT If you are having any concerns with stubborn energies that don’t appear to be shifting or moving in your home, fill free to contact me for an Astral Energy Clearing for you, your Home or Office. Happy Gridding!! Love, Light & Joy, Vicki Lynn 💫 Ask. Believe. Trust. Receive. ~ Are you interested in a personal or group session or class? ~ Would you like to receive more personalized insights on how you can shift situations in your life that feel tired and heavy, or are just no longer working for you? ~ Would you like to become more empowered with your own intuitive gifts? (Yes, we ALL have them! Even you!!) ~ Are you eager to connect with Loved Ones or Pets who have crossed over to the other side? ~ Would you like help in transforming your energetic personal blueprint to a higher state of frequency? Vicki Lynn is available for Readings, Consultations/Life Coaching as well as Astral Energy Sessions via FaceTime, Phone, or SKYPE. Please message or email your requested day/time and phone number to: [email protected] *The information on this website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All information is provided for educational purposes and should not be viewed as health claims.
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Vicki LynnMedium/Consultant, Vicki Lynn, shares her personal experiences, insights, and channelings to offer love, guidance, and inspirational messages. Archives
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