![]() Did you know crystals are alive? They may not have a soul like you or I, yet they are filled with Spirit (God’s life force). Spirit is everywhere and in every thing! If you soften your gaze and look at a tree, you will see the outline of its auric field because Spirit is completely satiated within it. The same with a crystal, soften your gaze and what do you see? Crystals vibrate at an energetic frequency that utilizes the Divine consciousness to support us in all aspects of our life. When you use crystals in a space of gratitude and love, the power of their support is boundless! This is why gridding your home, office or land with crystals can be such an amazingly supportive tool to assist you as you are creating the life you truly want to live. GRID OF PROTECTION In my experience, I have found that the Grid of Protection is the most important grid to place before any others. I call this a “foundational gridding process” because if you do not feel safe within the foundation of your home or office, how are you able to experience the positive frequency of other grids you may choose to anchor. Please note, that the process of gridding isn’t a “one and done” process. Meaning, once you place the grid it does not necessarily mean it will last forever. Your energy and intention is what keeps it activated. Plus, as you evolve, or even become compromised in the outside world, you may need to redo your grid by re-activating it with fresh energy (cleanse, love, gratitude, intention). Just as we get tired when overworked, so do the crystals get tired. So if you find your grid is no longer working, you may find that giving it a boost by cleansing, charging and reactivating your crystals may be in perfect order! WHICH CRYSTALS ARE THE BEST TO USE? Through Divine Guidance and personal experience, I have found that the best crystals and minerals to use for the most powerful ‘Grid of Protection’ include the following:
STEP ONE: CLEANSE YOUR CRYSTAL(S) Before you begin, you will want to cleanse your crystal(s). There are many ways to cleanse a crystal, and the easiest way to do this is by smudging with sage, or spritzing with a clearing & purification spray. For more detailed information on the many ways you can cleanse your crystal(s), be sure to read my Blog: HOW TO CLEANSE & CHARGE CRYSTALS STEP TWO: CONNECT & PROGRAM Next you will want to create a relationship with your crystals, and the simplest way to do that is by introducing yourself. Once your crystals are cleansed, hold them in your hands up at the level of your heart chakra. With three deep breathes, inhale love into every cell of your body, and exhale the love into your crystals. Speaking out loud or communicating telepathically, greet your crystals by sharing your name and expressing in your own words how grateful you are for their help. Express to your crystals how you would like to receive their support with your grid. (Example: I would love and completely appreciate your support with anchoring my home with the utmost protection from all negative and non-beneficial energies.) STEP THREE: ANCHOR YOUR PROTECTION GRID COPPER SPHERES or CUBES Copper carries the highest frequency of love within the mineral kingdom. Non-beneficial energies prefer to stay as far away as possible from it, which is why it’s the best crystal to grid your home or office with. Place one copper sphere or cube in each of the farthest corners of your home or business. Another option is to bury the copper outside at the corners of your home. Then stand in the middle of your home, and using your index finger, point at one and energetically connect to it using your own crystalline (Christ-like) vibrational frequency. Imagine you are creating a wall (barrier) by connecting one copper to the other until all four are energetically connected in one continuous square. Don’t worry if your home is an odd shape – I have gridded and cleared numerous homes that have odd shapes and it works just as well. BLACK TOURMALINE Black Tourmaline protects from psychic attacks, and neutralizes EMFs. I tend to place these or the Selenite (based on my inner guidance) in the center walls of the home to fill in the space between the copper sphere’s. Black Tourmaline are also known as Devic stones and the plant kingdom love them! So if you prefer to place them in a plant to help with your program/intention, your plants will be happy you did! Please trust your guidance as to where they are to go in your home. Have faith that your intuition knows where protection is needed most. SELENITE CHUBS, WANDS & TWISTS Selenite is the “angel” stone. It creates that light, angelic energetic frequency from the divine realm into your home by raising the frequency in the area’s you place them in. I like to use the small Selenite chubs at the corners of my bed (can place under mattress to hold in place if needed). I also have a Selenite Wand placed under my bed directly in alignment with my heart chakra. You can also grid in the corners of your bedroom, office, or any room. Selenite Twists should be placed wherever energy is stagnant and requires extra movement. *Please note that selenite should never be cleansed in water as it is comprised of a porous material. ADDITIONAL GRIDS Once you have anchored your Grid for Protection, you can easily expand by adding additional crystal grids for abundance, love, romance, etc. There are numerous crystals available to use in these grids. If you’re not sure which to use, please know that your inner guidance/intuition will draw you to the crystals you need at this time. ADDITIONAL SUPPORT If you are having any concerns with stubborn energies that don’t appear to be shifting or moving in your home, fill free to contact me for an Astral Energy Clearing for you, your Home or Office. Happy Gridding!! Love, Light & Joy, Vicki Lynn 💫 Ask. Believe. Trust. Receive. ~ Are you interested in a personal or group session or class? ~ Would you like to receive more personalized insights on how you can shift situations in your life that feel tired and heavy, or are just no longer working for you? ~ Would you like to become more empowered with your own intuitive gifts? (Yes, we ALL have them! Even you!!) ~ Are you eager to connect with Loved Ones or Pets who have crossed over to the other side? ~ Would you like help in transforming your energetic personal blueprint to a higher state of frequency? Vicki Lynn is available for Readings, Consultations/Life Coaching as well as Astral Energy Sessions via FaceTime, Phone, or SKYPE. Please message or email your requested day/time and phone number to: [email protected] *The information on this website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All information is provided for educational purposes and should not be viewed as health claims.
![]() Tree's are Masters at communicating!! I’ve personally enjoyed numerous moments of positively divine communications with the tree beings. In fact, some of my deepest, most profound messages have come through when leaning up against one of the majestic’s. And the beauty is, you can commune with them any time of the year! Altho you will want to be sure to dress appropriately based on the current season you are in. Once you secure your connection with the tree being, you may find it so wonderfully pleasant that you won’t want to leave. Have you ever tried to commune with a tree? If you haven’t had the opportunity to enjoy this enlightening experience, and would like to give it a go, here are very simple instructions that anyone can do: Before you begin, it is important to place your hands on the tree and introduce yourself. Send gratitude and love for its beauty, presence, and support - and add any other prayers you feel guided to share with the tree. Then either stand up, or sit down and lean back onto its woody support system. Place your hands on the tree, or on the ground beneath the tree, and take three deep breaths and exhale slowly. Then begin talking to the tree. You can share your thoughts or ask questions out loud or telepathically. Once you are done talking and asking your question(s), be sure to allow yourself to be in the stillness (empty your mind) to receive the tree’s guidance. The more chatter you have in your mind, the longer it will take to receive. When you catch yourself processing your thoughts, stop and take three more deep breaths and ask the tree to help you clear your mind. Remember, being in the stillness and allowing yourself to merge with the energy of the tree is key to receiving the tree’s guidance. There are many ways to receive your answers/guidance from your tree, including: 1) hear the answer (clairaudience), 2) know the answer (claircognizance), 3) or feel the answer (empathy). If you are unable to hear your answer, be sure to allow yourself to feel the calming, grounding, and earth loving energies of the tree throughout your body. Keep in mind that thoughts that just “pop in” may very well be the guidance offered from the tree. Always go with the first thought that pops in. Most people tend to analyze and question the first thought because they do not trust what they received the first time. Remember to always: Ask, then Believe and Trust what you Receive. Happy Communing with Nature!! With Deep Gratitude, Love, Light & Joy!! Vicki Lynn 💫 Ask. Believe. Trust. Receive. ~ Are you interested in a personal or group session or class? ~ Would you like to receive more personalized insights on how you can shift situations in your life that feel tired and heavy, or are just no longer working for you? ~ Would you like to become more empowered with your own intuitive gifts? (Yes, we ALL have them! Even you!!) ~ Are you eager to connect with Loved Ones or Pets who have crossed over to the other side? ~ Would you like help in transforming your energetic personal blueprint to a higher state of frequency? Vicki Lynn is available for Readings, Consultations/Life Coaching as well as Astral Energy Sessions via FaceTime, Phone, or SKYPE. Please message or email your requested day/time and phone number to: [email protected] *Information provided is for education purposes only and should not be viewed as health claims.
~ Are you interested in a personal or group session or class? ~ Would you like to receive more personalized insights on how you can shift situations in your life that feel tired and heavy, or are just no longer working for you? ~ Would you like to become more empowered with your own intuitive gifts? (Yes, we ALL have them! Even you!!) ~ Are you eager to connect with Loved Ones or Pets who have crossed over to the other side? ~ Would you like help in transforming your energetic personal blueprint to a higher state of frequency? Vicki Lynn is available for Readings, Consultations/Life Coaching as well as Astral Energy Sessions via FaceTime, Phone, SKYPE or Zoom. Please message or email your requested day/time and phone number to: [email protected] ![]() Most people are always looking for ways to save the world, or to save others, when in actuality the best way to do both is by saving ourselves…and the easiest way to do that is by creating a happier you. When you are happy, that joy expands out and easily lifts up the emotional state of those who come around you. Plus, you can breathe some of that joy down into Mother Earth, she would happily receive it and use it for the benefit of herself and all of mankind. FUN FACT: Did you know that Joy carries one of the highest vibrational frequencies over all the emotional states of being? Here are 7 positive steps you can use to create a happier you: 1. Stop Worrying and Start Breathing
2. Release Judgement(s)
![]() 3. Become a Steward of the Earth.
4. Believe in your Ability to Create your Reality.
5. Drink plenty of Water
![]() 6. Eat High Frequency Foods
7. Nurture & Be Kind Yourself
What two things can you shift today to be more kind to you and your body so you can enjoy a more happier you? _____________ It is my intention that by sharing these articles, that it may activate or expand your divine inner knowing, as well as provide you with a few tools you may wish to use while exploring who you are, and what you are capable of creating/co-creating.
My Deepest Gratitude & Blessings, Vicki Lynn 💫 Ask. Believe. Trust. Receive. ~ Are you interested in a personal or group session or class? ~ Would you like to receive more personalized insights on how you can shift situations in your life that feel tired and heavy, or are just no longer working for you? ~ Would you like to become more empowered with your own intuitive gifts? (Yes, we ALL have them! Even you!!) ~ Are you eager to connect with Loved Ones or Pets who have crossed over to the other side? ~ Would you like help in transforming your energetic personal blueprint to a higher state of frequency? Vicki Lynn is available for Readings, Consultations/Life Coaching as well as Astral Energy Sessions via FaceTime, Phone, or SKYPE. Please message or email your requested day/time and phone number to: [email protected] *Information provided is for education purposes only and should not be viewed as health claims. ![]() There is this amazingly beautiful interconnecting weave of oneness energies throughout every person, plant, rock, animal, insect, earth, water, sky, and all places and things that energy flows through within this wonderful world we call earth (and beyond!). The source of this sacred and divine energy comes from the great Creator aka Spirit/God. Because of this interconnectedness, each and every one of us has the ability to communicate with all patterns of vibrational energy. While communing with non-human energies is not (usually) the same as having a verbal conversation, it is about learning to listen to how the energy to which you are communicating with is choosing to respond. If you are unable to do this, you will find that daily meditation will assist with amplifying your ability to tune into your surroundings as well as help heighten your awareness. You can ask anything a question, whether it be a crystal, a plant, your dog, your car, the land you are living on, or you can even ask the Universe. There is no limit to what you can communicate with. How do I hear what the Universe is saying? The tool I use most often is I will ask my question, then look into my minds eye where I will ‘see’ a “yes” or a “no” answer. When both yes and no come forward, then I know to ask more questions for a clearer answer. Not everyone has the ability to “see” in their mind’s eye - so another great way to hear your answer is to ‘feel’ the answer through the energetic response of your body. When I am ‘seeing’ my answer, I am also using my ‘feeling’ body. When feeling your answer, your body may feel more lighter and giddy (which is a yes answer), or it may feel more flat and heavy (which is a no answer). Another tool is to trust your “knowing”. You may not understand how - you just know. If you find that your head/mind gets in the way of hearing, feeling, or knowing your answer, I have found a great way to practice trusting your answers is by dowsing. If you do not have a pendulum, you can easily use your own body to “body dowse” the answer. First, take a few deep breath’s and bring yourself into a completely relaxed state of being, then ask your question. If your body sways forward, it is a yes answer; if it tilts gently back, then it is a no answer. If it doesn’t move, then you may be receiving an “it's your choice” answer; or, you may want to rephrase the question. If you are new to dowsing and would like assistance, please feel free to contact me, I’d be happy to offer personal or group zoom meetings/classes for more personalized instruction. Listening to the Storm You will find that sometimes a question is not even required to listen, and that the Universe/Creator/Higher Power is communicating to you through your intuitive centers. For example, I recently felt this overwhelming urge to look at my booking calendar for my vacation home in Arizona. I listened to that feeling and saw that my home would be open for two weeks. Of course I jumped at the opportunity to spend quality time there! Keep in mind, I am not one who likes to travel through adverse weather conditions, so the first thing I do is look at the weather patterns along my route. When I see rain or storm clouds, then I connect, talk, and listen to the Weather Spirits of the storm (aka Thunder Beings) to see if I will be safe to drive on those days. I communicate my desire to drive in calm, sunny or partly cloudy weather. When you trust and believe that your desire will be created for you, it does. Yet, you still have to listen/feel or know the energy and be flexible to changing up dates when your answer states that nothing can be shifted with the weather pattern. There are times that it is necessary for the storm to blow through your location at a specific time. If the weather pattern is required to pass through your intended route at the same time as your request, then you have a choice to either stay home and wait it out, or drive through it. When I saw that there was a thunderstorm due to arrive the afternoon I was to depart, I asked if I would be able to miss the storm. I received a “yes” answer. Once I finished packing up my car, I decided to close my eyes for a few minutes before getting on the road. According to the weather app, I still had 90 minutes before the storm would arrive. Within five minutes of laying down, my bedroom light slowly came on. Through my personal awareness, I have found it as a way for my parents, who have crossed the rainbow bridge, to communicate with me. I felt this energy (knowing) that I should get on the road right away. As a child would normally do with a parent, I told them not now, I had plenty of time and wanted a quick nap first. I turned the light back off and closed my eyes. Five minutes later I was literally jolted off my bed into an upright position by the strongest clap of thunder I've experienced in years! Then I heard the words firmly expressed, “go now!!” Feeling the urgency, I jumped up to look out the window to see the sky was black. Normally, my old fear would kick in and I would decide that it is best to leave the next day instead of taking the risk of driving inside of a storm. Instead, I chose to 'check in' once again, and continued to receive confirmation that I would not have to drive through it if I left right now. Trust what you Receive Trusting my message, I hopped in the car and headed South. By the time I hit the freeway I could see the storm to the left of me and feel its powerful energy holding back, yet it had not crossed the highway. Every now and again a lightening bolt would strike, thunder would roll, or big large drops of water would begin to drop on my windshield. Each time that happened, I would nervously laugh and exclaim that I was moving as fast as possible. I could feel they were amused with me. Even though I could see the clear skies in the distance, the 30 minutes of feeling the pressure of the storm at my side was both exhilarating and scary. Yet here I was, driving through my fears, listening to the storm, and trusting that the Universe had my back. And it did!! It brings me great comfort to have developed such a close and trusting relationship with the Creator through the weather spirits. This is just one example of dipping the toes of trust into the waves of the universe. What are you willing to receive today? ___________ It is my intention that by sharing these articles, that it may activate or expand your divine inner knowing, as well as provide you with a few tools you may wish to use while exploring who you are, and what you are capable of creating/co-creating.
My Deepest Gratitude & Blessings, Vicki Lynn 💫 Ask. Believe. Trust. Receive. ~ Are you interested in a personal or group session or class? ~ Would you like to receive more personalized insights on how you can shift situations in your life that feel tired and heavy, or are just no longer working for you? ~ Would you like to become more empowered with your own intuitive gifts? (Yes, we ALL have them! Even you!!) ~ Are you eager to connect with Loved Ones or Pets who have crossed over to the other side? ~ Would you like help in transforming your energetic personal blueprint to a higher state of frequency? Vicki Lynn is available for Readings, Consultations/Life Coaching as well as Astral Energy Sessions via FaceTime, Phone, or SKYPE. Please message or email your requested day/time and phone number to: [email protected] *Information provided is for education purposes only and should not be viewed as health claims. ![]() Cleaning your Crystals Spring is here, and this is the time of year where we open the windows and notice how much dust has collected in the corners of our homes over the winter months. When you feel the urge to Spring clean your home, don’t forget to take the time to cleanse and charge up your beautiful crystals as well! Before you get started, be sure to take note of how the energy feels in the house, and then feel the difference of the energy when you are done. I have been to some very clean homes where people have never thought to clean and recharge their crystals. Once their crystalline collection were given some love, the entire frequency of the house, as well as the people who reside in it, were refreshingly energized & renewed! Below you will find the most common ways to cleanse and charge up your crystals. If you had programmed any of your crystals with special intentions and purpose, you will want to “check in” with the crystal and see if the program is complete. It may be time to recharge the existing program, add a new one, or the crystal may want to take a vacation and rest. How to Cleanse Your Crystals There are many ways to cleanse crystals and gemstones. Before using one of these methods, be sure that your stone welcomes it. Some crystals do not like water (ex: selenite), other softer stones have an adverse reaction to salt (ex: malachite). Be sure to do your research before using any of these methods. Cleansing Techniques:
How to Energize Your Crystals One of the strongest forms of energizing, aka charging, a stone or crystal, is by placing it under the vibrant rays of the sun or under a full moon. If you happened to miss the full moon by a day or two, even a partially full moon can charge a crystal. Please note that some stones will fade in the sun. While a few hours of sun kissing is harmless, long term sun exposure can and will fade the stone (ex: amethyst & rose quartz). To ensure their beauty, display them in an area of your home or business where they are protected from direct sun exposure. You can also energize your collection by holding a ceremony for them and infusing unconditional love and gratitude into all of your crystalline beings. Or, you may hold them in your hands individually, or in groups, and offer them your love and gratitude. Love is the highest form of vibrational energy and benefits all forms of life! Be sure to take a moment to feel the shift in the energy once you’re done! Isn’t it amazing?!! 🤗✨🌈💖 ___________ It is my intention that by sharing these articles, that it may activate or expand your divine inner knowing, as well as provide you with a few tools you may wish to use while exploring who you are, and what you are capable of creating/co-creating.
Love, Gratitude & Blessings, Vicki Lynn 💫 Ask. Believe. Trust. Receive. ~ Are you interested in a personal or group session or class? ~ Would you like to receive more personalized insights on how you can shift situations in your life that feel tired and heavy, or are just no longer working for you? ~ Would you like to become more empowered with your own intuitive gifts? (Yes, we ALL have them! Even you!!) ~ Are you eager to connect with Loved Ones or Pets who have crossed over to the other side? ~ Would you like help in transforming your energetic personal blueprint to a higher state of frequency? Vicki Lynn is available for Readings, Consultations/Life Coaching as well as Astral Energy Sessions via FaceTime, Phone, or SKYPE. Please message or email your requested day/time and phone number to: [email protected] *Information provided is for education purposes only and should not be viewed as health claims. ![]() Have you ever found yourself in the midst of someone’s point of view weighing heavily on you? You come up with an idea, or you make a choice that feel’s absolutely right to you in that moment of choosing, then you joyously share it with a friend or family member. Then they proceed to tell you why it won’t work, or that what you have chosen is wrong because it doesn’t fall in line with their own belief systems. Whose Truth is the Right Truth? Since birth we have been bombarded and bullied into belief systems that may or may not ring true for us. Most often, this bombardment of beliefs come with fear attached to them. It is the fear that brings us into a state of distrust of our own personal knowing. Fear of being wrong. Fear of doing it wrong. Fear of the consequences that may come from the choice. You may find people within your life that will be persistent, or may even bully you into taking on their belief system as the only belief that should ever exist. We are all individuals, living in unity - either consciously or unconsciously - here on this earth to experience our own personal experiences (individually, or if chosen, as a group/collective). Ask yourself, does their perspective resonate true for you? A choice chosen by you may not be a choice that works for another as it may not be in alignment for what they are here to experience in this moment, or even in their lifetime. Their experiences may be completely opposite, or opposing, of what your beliefs and chosen experiences are. There are no wrong beliefs or wrong experiences, only opportunities to learn, grow…and experience. When you are able to honor ALL choices (yours, theirs, ours), whether it is within your belief system or not, is when you have come to an awareness of who we are, and why we are here: to choose and create our own realities. No Fear. No judgement. Just choice. What are you choosing today? Are you ready to trust it? ___________ It is my intention that by sharing these articles, that it may activate or expand your divine inner knowing, as well as provide you with a few tools you may wish to use while exploring who you are, and what you are capable of creating.
Love, Gratitude & Blessings, Vicki Lynn 💫 Ask. Believe. Trust. Receive. ~ Are you interested in a personal or group session or class? ~ Would you like to receive more personalized insights on how you can shift situations in your life that feel tired and heavy, or are just no longer working for you? ~ Would you like to become more empowered with your own intuitive gifts? (Yes, we ALL have them! Even you!!) ~ Are you eager to connect with Loved Ones or Pets who have crossed over to the other side? ~ Would you like help in transforming your energetic personal blueprint to a higher state of frequency? Vicki Lynn is available for Readings, Consultations/Life Coaching as well as Astral Energy Sessions via FaceTime, Phone, or SKYPE. Please message or email your requested day/time and phone number to: [email protected] *Information provided is for education purposes only and should not be viewed as health claims. ![]() PART II, Continued: This was a large class, and I could hear a lot of excited chatter going on inside, and it was blocking the ability for them to hear me knock. Using whatever reserves of strength I could find within myself, I was able to heave open what I would deem to be the heaviest door ever built, and again called out for help. Finally, my call was answered. My teacher heard my cries and immediately came to side. She helped me up off the floor and onto the bench that was placed inside the doorway. I shared what happened and she immediately placed her hands on my head and asked me to breathe. Everyone in the class were trying to get a peek at me to see what had happened. I remember looking into the eyes of my best friend, who also happened to be a nurse, and see the shock in her eyes as she looked at me. I knew I didn’t look good. She had lost all color in her face, and I knew I must’ve looked the same. I was in shock - and so was she. It was my initial thought that someone would be taking me to the hospital, or an emergent care, where I would probably receive a neck brace and pills to ease the pain while I attended to yet another months long period of recuperation. Instead, I was guided to breathe into and through my body and out my feet while I received hands on healing support and instruction from my teacher. As my teacher continued to hold my head, and I continued to breathe, my body would shake, convulse and quiver energy uncontrollably throughout my body... and I just allowed it. Eventually my legs became surprisingly calm, then my torso, and finally my arms. After 15 minutes, I became aware that I was taking up class time with my situation and felt embarrassed that I had robbed the other students of what they had come to receive from the class. As I thanked my teacher for her knowledge and support, I shared that I felt good enough to go back to the class. She intuitively responded, “what about your neck?”. I was pleasantly surprised that she could tap in so easily and know what I was experiencing inside my body. Even though I felt re-anchored and my neck felt surprisingly strong, she was correct - there was still a little bit of soreness on the back side of my neck. Yes, I could have continued with the breathing and completely healed my neck. Yet, truth is, I actually had thought of myself as a burden… not even realizing at that time what I gift my experience was presenting not only to myself, but the entire class as well. I responded to my teacher that I felt that my situation was now manageable, and told her I was more worried about the blood that must be oozing out all over my head from the impact. She removed her hands away from my head, then used her fingers to see if there was any blood lingering in my hair. She couldn’t find any - not one drop of blood. I was so surprised! Having my head bounce on pavement like a ball would surely cause a huge bump, open wound, and as is with all head wounds, lots and lots of blood. In fact, not only was there no blood, there was not even a bump. Not even a little one. My head was completely smooth, and there was not even a bruise to be found. Learning how to take the time to breathe myself back into my body and be able to heal myself was the “new” knowledge I had asked for. Yes I had support from my teacher - who also reminded me that she was only support, that “I” was the one who had done the work. Without my action to want to heal, it would not be able to happen. Without my action to believe I could heal myself, it would not be able to happen. Without my willingness to receive support from her, it would not be able to happen. PRAYERS ANSWERED Just as I had stood up from the bench, my teacher’s husband looked directly at me and exclaimed, “What the hell did you ask for you today!?!”. I began to laugh as I remembered my almost demanding prayer to learn more of my abilities & gifts. To me, this was the best answer to my prayer I could ever have asked for. It was so unexpected. So out of the ordinary. And what a gift!! To be able to experience first hand my own innate ability to heal myself. And this isn’t just a gift that I personally have… the message is that we ALL have this same ability. You really do have the ability to heal you! And yes, it’s absolutely okay to allow yourself to “receive” support from another during your healing. You don’t have to do it alone - unless you want to. It’s all choice. One more note: Remember the dog? In retrospect, I am now able to see that the dog was aware of what was about to happen. Hence, the reason it was acting so strangely. Was the dog warning me? Maybe. Yet, what if I was able to hear the warning? Would I have been able to avoid the experience? Possibly. Yet if I did avoid it, would I have been able to receive such a deeply valuable gift in such a impactful way? Finally, what about the slight pain I had in the back of my neck? Well to be honest, I was grateful for that too! That tiny bit of discomfort was the only proof I had the next day that what I experienced actually happened - that it wasn’t a dream. And the discomfort only lasted a few days. Thankfully I had no conclusion as to what I would learn that evening. In fact, I didn’t know my prayer would be answered so quickly - or even at all. I literally had no attachment to the what, when, who, or how. For me… this was better then anything I could ever have imagined, and I am truly grateful for the learning experience. THE UNIVERSE HAS OUR BACK It’s true - the Universe does have our back! Once you decide to ‘let go and allow’ your request to arrive in the best form possible (even a possibility you may have never even thought of)… that’s when the true magic begins! If you don’t want your experience’s, lessons, etc. to be as forthcoming as mine, all you have to do is ask that your prayer be answered with ease, comfort, grace, and joy. Remember, Jesus came and showed us through his own abilities what each and every one of us is able to achieve. Through our own divine connection, our own personal portal to God/Spirit/Universal Source, we can create anything we ask for. Jesus said, “this too you shall do, and even greater things then I.” So what (or who) are we waiting for? WE are the one’s we’ve been waiting for. Are you ready to believe in yourself? I know I believe in you! _____________ It is my intention that by sharing these articles, that it may activate or expand your divine inner knowing, as well as provide you with a few tools you may wish to use while exploring the truth of who you really are, and what you are capable of.
Love, Gratitude & Blessings, Vicki Lynn Medium/Consultant Would you like to receive more personalized insights on how you can shift situations in your life that feel tired and heavy, or are just no longer working for you? Would you like to become more empowered with your own intuitive gifts? (Yes, we ALL have them! Even you!!) Vicki Lynn, Medium, is available for FaceTime, SKYPE or Zoom Readings and Consultations, as well as Astral Energy Sessions. Please message or email your requested day/time and phone number to: [email protected] __________ Ask. Believe. Trust. Receive. * Information provided is for educational purposes and should not to be viewed as health claims. NOTE: Due to the length of this Blog, I have chosen to provide it in two parts for ease in reading. Below is Part I: WInds of Change. Follow this LINK to read Part II: The Universe Has Our Back ![]() PART I: How many times have we found ourselves in situations where we feel like the world has dealt us a bad hand in the game of life? I’m sure each and every one of us could share a story or two..or more! Here’s some food for thought…. What if it wasn’t a bad hand? What if it was really the world providing us with an opportunity to experience life in a different way? What if what you asked for, is what you actually received? What if what you asked for just didn’t show up in the form you expected it to … and because you had an expectation of how it should show up, you were disappointed because you were unable to see it arrive? If you’re like me, I have found that any time I’ve had an expectation it turned out to be a huge disappointment. There is a big difference between holding the energy of awareness to what your ask is, and having a defined and concluded expectation. Conclusion and expectation are forms of control that will block the flow of the Universe’s ability to offer you an amazing solution and/or experience of which you are asking for. Asking for what you want, and allowing yourself to be in a space of awareness for it to show up, will bring forth opportunities and wonderful tidbits of treasure that you didn’t even know were even possible. I’d like to share a personal experience of where I had asked Spirit (God/Universal Source) to be able to learn something new in the realm of our abilities/gifts, and intuitive knowing; and how my ask showed up. The response to my request could easily be deemed traumatic to what I was asking for. Yet for me, it was the most amazingly wonderful response I could have ever received. MY EXPERIENCE Over a decade ago, when I resided in Alaska, I had taken numerous classes with a Medicine Woman who was my teacher. While she shared so many amazing teachings with me, I had felt like I had hit a plateau and that I wasn’t learning anything new. I wanted to know everything about the power that was within me, especially what was beyond the considerations of the societal norm. There was something inside of me that knew that we had abilities way beyond that which we were aware of, and I was demanding to know what it was! One day before one of my evening classes, I had diligently asked and prayed to learn something new that night. My prayer was filled with an amazing amount of gratitude. It was loving, yet firm - almost to the point of demanding. I was asking my question, and I announced that I was more then willing and ready to receive the answer. Oh boy, was I (and the entire class) ever in for a surprise! That particular evening was an extremely windy day (50-60 mph winds). One could easily (and appropriately) have called it the winds of change… My teacher, along with her husband, would hold classes in a studio that was located on their property about 20 ft. from the house. The studio had no restroom facilities, so when we needed to use the bathroom we would walk out of the studio and follow a slab path that led to the backdoor of the home where the bathroom was located. When visiting the restroom, one would also be happily greeted by their dog. During one of the break’s in the class that evening, I walked alone to the main house to use the restroom. As I was leaving, their dog began to act strange and look at me funny. He was slightly restless, and he kept tilting his head. His eyes had a pleading look about them - yet not in the begging sort of way. It's hard to explain the behavior in a way that makes sense. All I can say is that this was not his normal behavior. As I was closing the door on my way out of the house, I assured him that his “people” would be done soon, and he would be reunited with them shortly. I then turned around and took one step forward when suddenly it felt like someone had taken their arm and purposefully smacked my legs behind my knee’s, causing me to go down so fast that I was unable to block the fall. Remember, I was alone. There wasn’t a person who appeared out of nowhere - at least not from the dimension we reside in…(wink wink) It was early Fall (no pun intended haha - the season was Autumn) with no ice, no rain, and no puddles on the ground. Down I went like a a tall tree crashing to the ground. My head slammed so hard into one of the pavements of slab - it bounced a few times like a ball. (Another interesting tidbit about me: I had already experienced whiplash a couple of times in my life, so this wasn’t my first rodeo.) I knew what I was in for - or at least, I thought I did. As I laid on the cold pavement, too scared to move, I started to cry out for help. I found the wind carried my cries into the opposite direction of the studio. No one could hear me, and no one was coming to look for me. I was forced to take action. With my head feeling like it was attached to my body like a large marble on a wet noodle, I was somehow able to get myself up onto my knees and slowly crawl my way back to the door of the studio. Still on all 4s, I knocked on the door and waited… no one answered. TO BE CONTINUED: Follow this LINK to read Part II, The Universe Has Our Back *Would you like to receive personalized insights and clarity as to how you can shift situations in your life that feel tired and heavy? Would you like to become more empowered with your own divine wisdom and intuitive gifts? Vicki Lynn, Medium, is available for FaceTime, SKYPE or Zoom Readings and Consultations, as well as Astral Energy Sessions. Please message or email your requested day/time and phone number to:
[email protected] **Do you like what you read and want more? Be sure to sign up to Vicki Lynn’s NEWSLETTER. You will find the sign up link at the bottom right corner of the Home Page. __________ Ask. Believe. Trust. Receive. ![]() There is so much happening within your world, within the world of others. Want to help? Help yourself? Help others? Help the world? Many of you have been asking how you can help your family, friends, and people you may not even know during/after the major events of earth mothers purging and releasing (hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes, tornadoes, etc.). Of course your prayers and contributions of all forms (donations, time, etc.) are always welcomed by the communities; yet, not everyone has the ability to offer those things. And there are many of you who are going through your own personal trials and tribulations, and don't know how to shake yourself out of the heaviness of that energy. If you are asking, "how can I help?", and you felt guided to read this ... then this message is for you! During a recent meditation, it was shared with me by the Universal Source (US/Creator) energies that we can all easily contribute to shifting the energies of fear, anxiety, and despair through one simple tool of allowance. By allowing yourself to take 10 to 30 minutes of your day, each day, to step outside in nature and breathe. Breathe in the air and fill your body with love; fill your body with love for you to receive, then share that love by breathing it into the earth. Pull (breathe in) the diamond light energy of US (Universal Source) energy of love from the stars into your body from every direction. Allow the energy of love to flow through you and out your body, and down out your feet into the earth. You will find the earth welcoming your vibration of love and returning to you even more love. How does it feel? Do you feel light? Keep breathing in love and exhaling love, and the energy of love will just keep building and building, spreading like a wildfire all around the globe for each and every occupant on this planet to tap into and use for the benefit of whatever works for them in that moment. Even if you can't see the results of others with your contribution, trust that your vibration of love helps to transmute energies into a supporting beneficial frequency that all of life can tap into - including you. How does it get any better then that?! From my ❤ to your ❤ Vicki Lynn 💫 Medium ![]() Would you like to receive more personalized insights on how you can shift situations in your life that feel tired and heavy? Would you like to become more empowered with your intuitive gifts? Medium/Channeler, Vicki Lynn, is available for FaceTime, SKYPE or Zoom Readings and Consultations, as well as Astral Energy Sessions. Please email your requested day/time and phone number to: [email protected] **Do you like what you read and want more? Be sure to sign up to Vicki Lynn’s NEWSLETTER. You will find the sign up link at the bottom right corner of the Home Page. __________ Ask. Believe. Trust. Receive. |
Vicki LynnMedium/Consultant, Vicki Lynn, shares her personal experiences, insights, and channelings to offer love, guidance, and inspirational messages. Archives
June 2021
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